Thursday, October 26, 2017


Those who know me well, know that I love fog. I stumbled upon incredible fog as I was driving to work yesterday. I wanted to walk into the forest and stay there...maybe forever.
Meanwhile, I was running late for work and had to be satisfied with a few quick snapshots. Sigh...
Sharing anyway and this is TWO posts in one day - a record for me I think!
On another completely different note, I somehow volunteered to help at a Halloween party in my little town. I call it my "little" town but it's no longer the sleepy town I once knew. There are two Halloween parties side by side. Oh my. But I might just go to both.


I have grown to love fall. It didn't happen overnight. In fact, fall was my least favorite season for many years.
When I first moved to the northeast from Key West, fall stood out prominently as the harbinger of winter. The season that followed only conjured up thoughts of bitter cold and tons of snow. It frightened me with my tropical blood. It took years for me to even figure out the right clothing. Finally have that one together!
Things have changed. I have fallen in love with fall and I'm no longer afraid of winter. I view fall as  a treasured season. These days I savor every moment, getting outside as much as possible. Lots of biking and walking. Loving the colors. I'm mesmerized even though this hasn't been our best year for colors. But the warm!
Soon the snow. Sometimes the snow comes as early as mid or late October. But this year's crazy unseasonable weather has left us all guessing. Who knows what's going to unfold and I sort of love the mystery of it all. Haven't even thought of snow tires yet. Next week...
For now, some photos.

On Swago Pond