Ok it's not summer yet, but here in the northeast I'm convinced that Memorial Day marks the 'official' beginning of summer. A change in the weather, winter clothes switched over to summer clothes, boats on the lake, lawns being mowed, lightning bugs, gardens planted, flowers blooming, windows wide open...the list goes on. Busy time of year. Also, a favorite time for me.
This year I find myself immersed in gardening. I've planted a lot. Well, a lot for me. I don't consider myself much of a gardener but everything I plant tends to grow. I think of my friends as the serious gardeners. Their gardens are a true work of art. I'm getting there...this year I planted tomatoes, carrots, hot peppers, basil, parsley, kale, swiss chard, arugula, radishes, green beans, red onions and a few miscellaneous veggies/herbs squeezed in here and there. Been working hard and actually loving it. New for me. I've always said I was an anomaly in the country because I hated gardening. Perhaps just a late bloomer.
No pictures of my garden 'yet,' although I must admit it looks nice. Neatly weeded and almost completely mulched. Can't wait to start eating out of it. Nothing gets wasted. I use nearly all the basil for cooking and pesto. I've even made pesto with parsley - not a big favorite, but good for you! Any overabundance of veggies is shared with friends. Rarely a need to buy vegetables in the summer.
Meanwhile, I'm managing to squeeze in time for photos. Summer light is different, and lovely. Sunsets tend to be more dramatic.Thunderstorms create great cloud captures. Morning fog is magical, as are those shots after the rain where the mist is often suspended in air. Caught one of those moments on my way back from Block Island a few weeks ago. This is a gorgeous area. Sometimes I comment how I long for the sea and the salt air. Last night I fell asleep to the sounds of frogs, June bugs and other unknown creatures. Comforting. Almost as soothing as the waves of the ocean.
Clouds rolling in, barn across the street. |
Sunset on my friends' lake, Swago Pond.
The dramatic sunsets of summer. |
After the rain on the way home from Block Island. Delaware River, few miles from home. |
Another shot on the way home from Block Island. After the rain. |