Saturday, August 5, 2017

This Morning

I live in a beautiful place. At times I long for the sea but there are days when this place, my home - well, it is a slice of paradise.

Took a walk this morning. Not a car went by and still after an hour not a single vehicle. This quiet is peace.

Make hay while the sun shines - from a few weeks ago

this morning

Wednesday, August 2, 2017


I have always been fascinated by weather. Eric Sloane's Weather Book is a favorite of mine. He wrote it back in 1949. It remains a Bible of sorts for me to this day.
From the first page in the book:  "The weather is with us wherever we are, yet nothing is more taken for granted than the daily drama of the sky."
Today was a particularly interesting weather day. A gorgeous red sunrise signaling "red sky in the morning, sailor take warning," followed by ever-changing skies throughout the day.
I know a sailor with a "weather eye." It's different from being a meteorologist as they are all slaves to that weather mapping stuff even though they get it wrong much of the time. The one with the "weather eye" has what Eric Sloane refers to as a "sky philosophy," one who can look up at the sky throughout the day and have a keen sense of what's ahead. I'm working on it! I'm forever looking up at the sky and my camera captures much of what I see. I can't always predict the weather though. In time...
There was a beautiful sunrise this morning.  On the way to work I was listening to a Dar Williams song. These lyrics struck me -
"Well the sun rose
With so many colors it nearly broke my heart
It worked me over like a work of art..."
~Dar Williams.

Later in the day, a summer storm rolled in, somewhat dramatic in nature. My car got washed, garden watered, and my dirt road is less dusty. Now brilliant sunshine has returned. I love weather!