Friday, December 25, 2015

More of December...

Working to catch up on my blog with the new year approaching.  Will post some of my favorite photos from the past couple weeks.  Fantastic December here in the country!  Sometimes I long to be near the sea, but my camera helps me  connect deeply with a sense of place in this rural setting.  I am surrounded by tremendous beauty. 

Brilliant morning sky

just around the corner


fog on the river

love these clouds!

view from my living room


a dusting of snow mid-December

Christmas 2016

Christmas morning was perfect.  A little sun and misty fog surrounding the barn across the street.  Definitely the warmest December I  remember.  Yes we had a couple days of winter, but then the unusually balmy days returned.  No complaints on my end and not even sad at not having a white Christmas.  Right now it's noon and 50 degrees.  Wow!
Today I am grateful for my friends, my health, my humble abode here in the country. and the lake house up the road that my friends share with me.  The list goes is good!

Christmas morning - all is calm, all is bright