Monday, April 11, 2016

The Sea

"Do you have a cure for me?"
"Why yes," he said, "I know a cure for everything. Salt water."
"Salt water?" I asked him.
"Yes," he said, "in one way or the other. Sweat, or tears, or the salt sea."
                        ~Isak Dinesen, from Seven Gothic Tales

For me, the cure has always been the sea. When I need to clear my head or just find a calm place, I head to the ocean.  I did just that somewhat spontaneously a couple weeks ago. Threw my bike in the car, a small bag of clothes, and headed to Rhode Island for a couple days - the Ocean State! What a lovely couple days. Biking along the sea, walking on the beach, taking photos, eating good seafood, breathing salt air - close to perfect. Yes, the cure!!
I'm posting many photos today. Some look alike, but for me they're all different. The sea changes dramatically moment to moment and I love trying to capture its various moods.

Ah, the sea... I am home.

Sunrise. The promise of a new day where anything is possible, even the sun breaking through this incredible heavy cloud cover. Which it did.

Crazy wild wind my first day there. Catch a wave!

grey is often the color of a peaceful day

Before sunrise. I admit to having to set an alarm clock for this shot. Do people really wake up ready to go in the dark??   Not me.  But, what a gorgeous time of day. Well worth crawling out of bed, especially with the ocean a few steps away.
Bless the ships at sea.

A desolate beach can be wonderfully restorative. It was.

salt air - part of the cure

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Kayaking in March

Still playing catch up here on my blog. Weather was ridiculously warm mid-March, so I launched my kayak on the lake.  Of course, I took my camera along.

Glorious lake reflections

Into the sunset

Paddling out of the cove on Swago Pond, a special spot

Catching up...

Time is moving by too fast. I'm shooting photos almost every day, but can't seem to keep up with my blog.  I'm going to post some pictures from a few weeks in March. The warm weather was beautiful, but winter hit us in April. More on that later!

The Barn - never tire of it!

Around the corner from my house - sunrise.
Through the trees on Swago Pond

Sunset on Swago Pond.