Monday, April 11, 2016

The Sea

"Do you have a cure for me?"
"Why yes," he said, "I know a cure for everything. Salt water."
"Salt water?" I asked him.
"Yes," he said, "in one way or the other. Sweat, or tears, or the salt sea."
                        ~Isak Dinesen, from Seven Gothic Tales

For me, the cure has always been the sea. When I need to clear my head or just find a calm place, I head to the ocean.  I did just that somewhat spontaneously a couple weeks ago. Threw my bike in the car, a small bag of clothes, and headed to Rhode Island for a couple days - the Ocean State! What a lovely couple days. Biking along the sea, walking on the beach, taking photos, eating good seafood, breathing salt air - close to perfect. Yes, the cure!!
I'm posting many photos today. Some look alike, but for me they're all different. The sea changes dramatically moment to moment and I love trying to capture its various moods.

Ah, the sea... I am home.

Sunrise. The promise of a new day where anything is possible, even the sun breaking through this incredible heavy cloud cover. Which it did.

Crazy wild wind my first day there. Catch a wave!

grey is often the color of a peaceful day

Before sunrise. I admit to having to set an alarm clock for this shot. Do people really wake up ready to go in the dark??   Not me.  But, what a gorgeous time of day. Well worth crawling out of bed, especially with the ocean a few steps away.
Bless the ships at sea.

A desolate beach can be wonderfully restorative. It was.

salt air - part of the cure

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