Saturday, January 27, 2018

January 27

Today is supposed to feel a bit like spring with temperatures climbing close to 50 degrees. Not expected to last though and we could see snow again on Tuesday. Our ever changing winter weather.

The little shed below is one I've photographed numerous times. A couple days ago I learned its history. I had taken a few photos and was stopped in my car on the side of the road. A super nice woman stopped by to see if I was alright. Turned out her family has a farm on the property with the shed. She told me that the shed was once part of a school. It was the outhouse! One side for the boys, one side for the girls. Small coal furnace kept it warm. Love the slant of light I caught in the door.

On another note, I'm curious if anyone (or who) reads my blog posts. If you are inclined, feel free to comment, even by simply leaving your name, or feedback. Thanks!!


  1. Me, me, me! I always read. I don't always comment though! I used to hate when people stopped and talked to me when I was drawing on the side of the road. I thought that they were just being nosy by asking if everything was OK.......

  2. I figured you would comment. Thank you! I'll keep writing regardless.
    Btw, this woman stopping was a treat since I learned some history.
