Monday, December 8, 2014

Winter Storm Warning

Emergency Broadcast System was going off  like crazy on some of the radio stations today.  Winter Storm Warning begins tomorrow morning at 4 a.m.  Forecast looks like a wintry mix, my least favorite and the most scary time to be out on the roads.  I long for the white powdery snow, when I can strap on my snowshoes or cross country skis.  This wintry mix stuff is when one starts hunting for ice treads to put on your shoes and the snow loses a bit of its magic.    However, I'm looking forward to the forced retreat.  My day job has been insanely busy and I typically don't drive in snow and ice.  I just might have two days off.  Yay!!  Batten down the hatches and get the wood fire roaring!

Meanwhile, we've mostly been living in a black and white world here.   Which is fine.  I'm finding myself wanting to shoot more photos in black and white.  Suddenly my dismal world becomes slightly brighter as I capture some interesting  black and white photos.

These are the nights I have swimming and sailing dreams.  My sea/country world collides and this Herman Melville quote runs through my head.  Not from Moby Dick, but a time when Melville lived in the Berkshires.

"I have a sort of sea-feeling here in the country now that the ground is covered in snow, I look out my window in the morning when I rise as I would out of a port-hole of a ship in the Atlantic. My room seems a ship's cabin; & at nights when I wake up & hear the wind shrieking, I almost fancy there is too much sail on the house, & I had better go on the roof & rig in the chimney."          
~Herman Melville


  1. Oh yay! Snow day! The good part of the bad weather! Love your analogy of the port hole.....The wind can be so brutal where you live. It used to keep me up at night battering against the side of the cabin/house.

  2. The port hole analogy is the Melville quote. Guess I should edit and put his name at the end. Lovin' the day off, but no snow. Sigh.
