Seems like I'm filled with the urge for going these days. It doesn't even matter where. Just want to be on the road. Of course, one does need a destination. Aimless wandering is probably not such a great idea.
This past weekend I went to visit a good friend in New Haven. My friend Maryanne has a lovely rambling old home just minutes from Yale. She's a retired professor and super fun.
Left early Friday morning and got caught in a completely unexepected snow squall. At times visibility was about zero and I contemplated turning back. That didn't feel like fun, plus I had just put snow tires on my car. I put snow tires on my car so I can drive in the snow, NOT stay home! Despite the snow mess, I still made it to New Haven in about 2 1/2 hours.
I want to focus on Stonington CT now. Yes, I went to an exhibit at the Yale Art Museum (it was fantastic) and a photo exhibit in Mystic (loved it!) but then there was Stonington...
I've been to this town many times on my own. Mostly in the early morning to shoot photos. Still feel like I haven't captured it properly.
Stonington is about a 4 mile drive from Mystic. It is not a resort/tourist town and there's not much there. But I'm drawn to it in an inexplicable way. There is something. And if you feel it, well you know what I'm talking about. My friend Maryanne fell in love with Stonington. We had driven there for dinner but as we walked to the restaurant she mentioned wanting to spend the entire day there. She gets it. I was thrilled. Because there isn't much in Stonington. A handful of shops (maybe five) and a couple restaurants. Nothing much to do, but the town itself - understated charm.That is, if you feel it.
This is the story of Stonington, well at least what I can glean from reading and being there. It's very self-contained. Only a few blocks long, less than one square mile. Population about 1200. Many intellectuals and wealthy urban folks have settled there. One would think snooty perhaps, but I only find friendly. And the beauty. Hard to put into words. There is simple and palatial. One sees old fisherman's cottages sandwiched next to each other with barely any property and then the pillars of houses across the street on Fisher Island Sound. Those houses are wedged rather tightly together too.
A lone commercial fishing fleet still exists in Stonington and I've heard it's considered the heart and soul of the community. The old and the new co-existing. In harmony so it appears.
A writer once said of Stonington, "It's gray and lonely in winter, but those are perfect condtions for a writer." Perfect conditions for taking photos too I think. Ah, another winter destination.
I didn't get too many photos this time around. I've discovered that taking photos is a solitary project for me. Of course, Maryanne would've been fine doing something else but I found myself trying to shoot photos as we were walking and talking. That's tricky. But all ok. Everything about Stonington was close to perfect. I will return.
All these photos were taken with my $80 point and shoot. For some reason, lighter felt better.
The beginning - it got worse! But then got a little better... |
Taken from a cafe in Mystic - insanely blustery and cold outside but sun shining, drinking coffee! |
House, Stonington |
Sunset, Stonington |
These photos are from a few years ago, when I first stumbled upon Stonington.