More Block Island
Block Island is truly magical and this time around was no exception. Summer weather in October. It was unbelievable. When an old friend, Thorpe, came over to visit, we headed to the beach. He wanted to go to my favorite beach. Yay! There are LOTS of beaches on Block Island; his choice was serendipitous. Close to perfect. A handful of tourists still lingered on the island but we had the whole beach to ourselves, well except for the seagulls. The waves were huge, aftermath of Tropical Storm Jose. Thorpe body surfed a little. I could see even he (a super brave strong guy) was humbled by the gigantic waves, also a serious rip current not to be taken lightly. I mostly chased the waves, running in and out like a kid, racing away from the 10-12 foot waves. Afterwards, it was so hot that I found myself taking a cold shower. Loved it! Shades of my days in the tropics. I didn't want it to end. But --
I do have photos.
Churned up sea.
Thorpe heading to the lighthouse. Fog beginning to lift.
To the lighthouse - the fabulous beach is behind the North Lighthouse, the most northern tip of the island.
Hard to capture the magnitude of the waves with my little point and shoot. They came in sets and once in a while a HUGE wave would just blow me away. The power of nature.
Loved sharing the beach with only the seagulls, no other people. Probably because it's almost a 1/2 mile hike to the beach after a 5 mile bike ride. Well worth it!
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